
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 10 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Author Guidelines

Authors interested in publishing in the Scientific Journal Cultura, Comunicación, y Desarrollo may send their contributions by e-mail to  

Only unpublished papers that are not in the editorial process in other serial publications will be accepted. The languages of publication will be Spanish and English. The types of contributions that will be accepted are scientific articles as results of theoretical work and practical experiences associated with the main topics of the journal; specialized essays with a reflective and critical approach; and bibliographic reviews. Manuscripts showing the results of scientific and research activity of students will also be accepted, provided that the submission is endorsed by the scientific council of the corresponding faculty.

The reception of original papers for the section "Monographic Dossier" or for the edition of a Special Issue will be communicated through a call for papers in the Notices section, as well as on the main page of the journal. The call for papers will be open throughout the year.

In addition to these guidelines, authors are advised to consult all sections of the journal with information that may affect their work, such as the Ethical Publication Policies and the Anti-Plagiarism Policy, before submitting their originals.

The requirements to be met by the submitted papers are as follows:


  • Originality: The journal only accepts original and unpublished papers.
  • Style: They may be written in Microsoft Office Word or Open Office Writer, using Calibre font 12, 1.5 line spacing. The sheet should be 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (letter format).
  • Length: The length will be between 10 and 15 pages for research articles; between 7 and 10 for essays; and between 3 and 5 for bibliographic reviews.
  • Format: They should follow a format of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Bibliographical References for research articles. In the case of essays, the format to follow will be Introduction, Results, Conclusions, and Bibliographical References. In the case of Annexes, they should be included at the end of the document. Conclusions will not be listed.
  • Authorship: Authors must be willing to provide the following information: first and last name, institutional affiliation (full name without acronyms), country, institutional e-mail address, and ORCID identifier. Authors who do not have this personal identifier should register at For the format of the author's name and surname, it is recommended to take into account the signature form for indexing in international databases. It is also advisable that the number of authors should not exceed 6, depending on the length of the contribution.

Structure and format of research articles

  • Title in Spanish and English in capital letters and no more than 15 words, taking into account the criteria for easy retrieval in databases.
  • Structured abstract in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 250 words. Its content should describe, in a concise manner, the reason and objective of the research, the methodology used, the most important results, and the main conclusions and/or recommendations that can be drawn from the work. The novel and relevant aspects of the work will be emphasized.
  • Keywords in Spanish and English, up to a maximum of 6, separated by commas and beginning with a capital letter for each keyword. It is recommended that the keywords come from the UNESCO Thesaurus (
  • Introduction: It should carefully reproduce and review the current status of the research topic and refer to key publications. At the end of the section, you should define the purpose and main objective of the work and its relevance to the field of research.
  • Materials and Methods: This section can be divided into subsections. The study material and the analyses performed (if any) should be clearly described in such a way as to ensure the repeatability of the study. Citations to scientific papers that have inspired the methodological approach used should be included. In the case of review papers, the correct citation of the references used will be especially important.
  • Results and Discussions: Provide a concise and accurate description of the results. For this purpose, graphic resources that facilitate the presentation of the results achieved can be incorporated. The results should be discussed, supported, and compared according to the existing literature (using references from similar studies) and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies and working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest possible context. Future research directions may also be highlighted. Sub-sections should be titled in bold.
  • Conclusions: This section should be written clearly, brief, and precise. When work is carried out at the local level, based on case studies, conclusions of a transversal nature should be offered to advance general knowledge and facilitate its application to other areas of study. This section should also offer a synthesis of the progress represented by the research carried out, its applied interest, and possible lines of work to be developed in the future.
  • References: only references cited in the text should be included.
  • Annexes (if applicable): This is an optional section that may contain details and data complementary to the main text. For example, data or explanations that could interrupt the flow of the main text, but are nevertheless crucial to understanding and reproducing the research shown. All sections of the appendix should be cited in the main text. They will be numbered with the letter A followed by a figure.

Essay structure and format

  • Title in Spanish and English in capital letters and no more than 15 words, taking into account the criteria for easy retrieval in databases.
  • Structured abstract in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 250 words. Its content should describe, in a concise manner, the reason and objective of the research, the methodology used, the most important results, and the main conclusions and/or recommendations that can be drawn from the work. The novel and relevant aspects of the work will be emphasized.
  • Keywords in Spanish and English, up to a maximum of 6, separated by commas and beginning with a capital letter for each keyword. It is recommended that the keywords come from the UNESCO Thesaurus (
  • Introduction: It should provide sufficient background for the reader to understand and evaluate the scope of the research and its background by clearly stating the scientific problem addressed.
  • Materials and methods: Description of the research methods and techniques used, as well as the procedures and tools for data processing.
  • Results: The causal factors that give rise to the different conclusions of the research work should be explained in detail. Due to their nature, they will be based on a wide and rigorous bibliographic review of the topic addressed.
  • Conclusions: should provide answers to all the issues raised in the text by summarizing the different aspects of the text.
  • Bibliographic references: only references cited in the text should be included.
  • Annexes (if applicable): This is an optional section that may contain details and data complementary to the main text. For example, data or explanations that could interrupt the flow of the main text, but are nevertheless crucial to understanding and reproducing the research shown. All sections of the appendix should be cited in the main text. They will be numbered with the letter A followed by a figure.

Structure and format of the Reviews

Reviews should be headed by the title of the book under review. During the submission process, this information should be included in the "Abstract" section as follows: Author's last name, First name. Title of the publication. Name of the editor, translator, or coordinator. City: Publisher, year, ISBN, number of pages. It is recommended to include at least 3 terms in the "Keywords" section.

Example: Vital Fernández, S. (2019). Alfonso VII de León y Castilla (1126-1157). Las relaciones de poder en el centro de la acción política y social del Imperator Hispaniae. Gijón: Ediciones Trea. 334 pp. ISBN 9788417987213

It will not have a defined structure, although it should indicate the main contributions of the recommended reading.

Figures and tables

All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of at the end. If they are used, they should be those which, because of their relevance, are necessary to support the arguments presented in the text. Tables, figures, and graphs should be on a white background, preferably in grayscale. They should be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals (Table 1., Fig. 1) and the titles (located above the tables, figures, and graphs) should clarify the content, written in 11pt Calibre font, centered alignment. Below the table, figure, or graph, the source should be indicated or the authors' elaboration should be placed, in Calibre 8pt. centered alignment.

In those cases where the Table or Figure is not original, the following information should be indicated:

  • Source: (as appropriate, if applicable) or Modified: (as appropriate, if applicable)". For example, Prepared from...; Taken from...
  • And if it is a photograph, the authorship should be indicated: Photo: name of the author.

Figures and illustrations should be presented in JPG format and sent in separate files. Tables do not need to be converted to images unless their complexity may make editing difficult and the author wants to guarantee the accuracy of their reproduction in web format. Preferably their background should be white. They should be copied (from their source application, Word, Excel, or other editors) and pasted into the article in Word format.

Other aspects of interest

  • Abbreviations: when the same abbreviation is repeated more than once throughout the article, the meaning should be given on the first occasion, and the abbreviations in parentheses.
  • The units used must comply with the International System of Measurements.
  • Only footnotes with very necessary complementary information will be admitted, and these must not exceed 60 characters.
  • When formulas are used, they must comply with the APA 7 norms of putting a consecutive number to the right of the formula and citing it in the text of the article.

Bibliographic References

It will be limited to works cited in the text, which will be presented at the end of the article. The maximum number of references allowed is 20. In this section, the references will appear according to the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style.

  • Bibliographic citation

An indirect quotation refers to an author's ideas without the need to reproduce them literally. In this case, a quotation is introduced by identifying the author and year in parentheses and separated by a comma. Examples: (Coob, 1989) or According to Coob (1989) ...

Two variants are declared: Narrative or parenthetical

  • Example of Narrative: D' Ambrosio (2005), looking to the future, concerning Mathematics Education ......
  • Example of In parentheses: The main advances have been made in the field of legal sciences, which have focused on the legal implications of forced, rather than arranged, marriages (Elvira, 2010; González, 2013; Chéliz, 2015; Torres, 2015). It is arranged in chronological order.

Direct quotations can be short (up to 40 words) or in bloc (more than 40 words). Short quotations will be included within the text, between quotation marks; while those with more than 40 words will be written in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, indented approximately 1.5cm spaces, and the letter with a lower punctuation. The following style will be used: author's surname, year of the edition of the original, pages.

  • Example 1: (less than 40 words)

Quote: "Like any significant social practice, CPCT has generated its own field of knowledge" (Rodriguez and Giri, 2021, p.28).

Bibliographic reference (At the end of the text): Rodríguez, M., y Giri, L. (2021). Desafíos teóricos cruciales para la comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología pospandemia en Iberoamérica. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad-CTS, 16(46), 25-39.

Example 2: (More than 40 words)


When referring to informational competencies Díaz and Loyola (2021) warn that:

In this way, it must incorporate criteria to recognize and critically and consciously evaluate information requirements, as well as to design the most efficient strategies for the search, location, identification, retrieval, interpretation, and evaluation of the most reliable and adequate sources, which will be used to add value to the solution of an individual or collective problem. (pp. 125-126).

Bibliographic reference (At the end of the text): Díaz, D., y Loyola, E. (2021). Competencias digitales en el contexto COVID 19: una mirada desde la educación. Revista Innova Educación, 3(1), 121-150.


D' Ambrosio (2005)


Burgués and Fortuny (1989)


Alsina et al., (1989)


Vigotsky (1979, 1982),


(Sánchez Albornoz, 1973a) (Sánchez Albornoz, 1973b).


When citing a work prepared by an organization or entity, the first time it is cited, the full name should be included. Subsequent citations may include the abbreviated name. Example. In the first citation: (United Nations [UN], 2004). In the following citations: (UN, 2005).

Personal communications (letters, memos, e-mails, interviews, telephone conversations, live speeches, non-recorded academic conferences) are mentioned in the text, but not in the reference list because they cannot be consulted. The citation should include the initials and last name of the communicator and the most accurate data possible according to the following formats:

  • Parenthetical citation: (C. Robayo, personal communication, May 3, 2018).
  • Narrative citation: T. Reyes (personal communication, February 5, 2017).

How to reference APA 7th edition

When there are several references to the same author, the name and surname should be repeated and not replaced by long dashes. Works should be listed in order of publication, starting with the earliest.

When an article has more than 20 authors, it is referenced at the end of the text as follows: Castiblanco, R., Moreno, H., Rojas, S., Zamora, F., Rivera, A., Bedoya, M. A., Aróstegui, J., Rodríguez, D., Salinas, G., Martínez, W., Camargo, D., Sánchez, A., Ramírez, Y., Arias, M., Castro, K. Y., Carrillo, H., Valdez-López, J., Hermosa, F., Daza, C., … Hernández, T. (2020). La variación de los esfuerzos mecánicos en la cadera con el ergómetro de escaleras. Revista de Salud Pública, 16(2), 41-67.

In each entry, the text should be indented from the first line of each reference by French indentation (the first line of each reference will be to the left, and subsequent lines will be indented).

All articles that have DOI (Digital Object Identifier), will indicate it at the end of the article, with a complete and secure URL link format, without prefixes or period at the end (example:

The following is a non-exhaustive summary and examples of the main reference sources.

  • Book

Cruz Ramírez, M. (2009). El método Delphi en las investigaciones educacionales. Editorial Academia

  • Institutional author book (government agency) as publisher.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (1992). Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, June 1990 (Nº 3209.1). Australian Capital Territory: ABS

  • Parts of a book

Parés, M. (2009). Introducción: participación y evaluación de la participación. En M. Parés (Coord.). Participación y calidad democrática. Evaluando las nuevas formas de democracia participativa (pp. 15-26). Editorial Ariel

  • Encyclopedia or Dictionary

Bekerian, D. A. (1992). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (3ª ed., Vols. 1-20). McGraw-Hill

  • Magazine article

Cubillos-Vega, C. (2017). Análisis de la producción científica sobre Derechos Humanos en Trabajo Social: perspectiva internacional (2000-2015). Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 40(1), e163.

Candil, A. L., y Olejarczyk, R. S. (2010). Inter-versiones de las políticas sociales: Relatos sobre drogas y viviendas. Trabajo Social, (12), 79-87.

  • Thesis

If they are published online, the URL will be included.

Martínez Ribón, J. G. T. (2011). Propuesta de metodología para la implementación de la filosofía Lean (construcción esbelta) en proyectos de construcción [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional de la UNAL.

  • Presentation

If they are published online, the URL will be included.

Rozemblum, C., Unzurrunzaga, C., Pucacco, C., y Banzato, G. (2012). Parámetros de evaluación para la inclusión e indización de revistas científicas en bases de datos locales e internacionales. Análisis sobre su aporte a la calidad de las publicaciones de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales [ponencia]. VII Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP. La Plata, Argentina

  • Page or Website

When citing a website or complete page, and not any particular document on that page, it is sufficient to indicate the web address in the text or footnotes, without including it in the list of references.

A section of a website or an entire page.

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. (1 de octubre de 2018). Nuevos datos revelan que en el mundo uno de cada tres 50 adolescentes sufre acoso escolar.

  • Audiovisual media

Zemeckis, R. (1994). Forrest Gump [película]. Paramount Pictures

  • Newspaper articles

Pina, D. (1 de diciembre de 2020). Objetivo: mejorar la calidad de vida en personas con VIH. Información, p. 19.

If the newspaper is online, the URL preceded by "Retrieved from" will be included.

  • Laws and Legal Documents

Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. (1873, 26 de mayo). Ley 84 de 1873. Código civil de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. Diario Oficial n. º 2867.

Citación parentética: (Act 84, 1873); Narrative Citation: Act 84 (1873)

For more information, please refer to the following APA 7th edition guidance document and the links it provides:

To expedite the submission process that conforms to the standards, download an article template from the url:

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

The entire content of the Revista Científica Cultura, Comunicación y Desarrollo is registered and protected by the laws of protection of intellectual property. The intellectual property rights of each article are assigned by the authors to the journal. When submitting the manuscript, and only if it is accepted for publication, the authors accept that the copyright of their article is transferred to the journal. However, all requests for authorization by the authors for the purpose of reproducing their articles will be considered.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the established purposes in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.