Social approach to science and technology in the subject Introduction to Computing



This research focuses on the need to integrate the Science-Technology-Society approach into the course “Introduction to Computer Science” in the Computer Engineering program at the University of Cienfuegos. Through a documentary analysis and expert opinions, it addresses a crucial topic for education in the scientific and technological field of computer engineers. This approach has the potential to enrich the teaching of the subject and provide students with a broader and more critical perspective on their field. Considering the interaction between Science, Technology, and Society fosters a deeper understanding of the topics discussed, as well as awareness of the social impact of technologies. Furthermore, it emphasizes the ethical responsibility that computer scientists must assume in their professional practice and highlights the importance of their role in society.

Keywords: Computer Science, Education, Society, Technology, Science.



How to Cite

Azpiri Medina, I., Rizo Rabelo, N., & Concepción Morales, E. R. (2024). Social approach to science and technology in the subject Introduction to Computing. Revista Científica Cultura, Comunicación Y Desarrollo, 9(S1), 147–153. Retrieved from