Propuesta integral para potenciar el turismo local sostenible en Cienfuegos





Tourism is a rapidly growing sector, which brings together a wide variety of modalities. In recent years, the rise of its activities as sources to enhance the development of communities has been manifested to a greater extent. It is shown as an option to promote sustainable local development, generating employment, income and diversification of economies. In this sense, the work presented, aims to propose an action plan to promote sustainable local tourism in Cienfuegos. To do this, a diagnosis of the sector in the province is carried out, where potential, problems and limitations in this regard are identified. Among the main contributions, a methodological procedure is proposed that combines several scientific tools to determine the current situation of sustainable local tourism in each territory, being applied in Cienfuegos for its validation. In addition, the beneficiaries are offered an alternative that aims to energize the sector, in total alignment with the updating of the Cuban Economic and Social Model and in accordance with the Territorial Development Strategies, while promoting the use of the resources and available heritage values for the promotion of tourist activity.

Keywords: Sustainable tourism, Ecotourism, Territorial development, Tourism diagnosis.



How to Cite

Rivero Galván, A., Cabrera Álvarez, E. N., & Portela Peñalver, L. (2024). Propuesta integral para potenciar el turismo local sostenible en Cienfuegos. Revista Científica Cultura, Comunicación Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 121–127. Retrieved from