Style and sound seal the 85th anniversary of the Aragon orchestra



This September 30, 2024, the Aragon orchestra will reach its 85th anniversary. It has consolidated itself over time as an emblematic Cuban charanga that, in its daily work, prioritizes the seal of its sound, conquered by its second director Rafael Lay Stink. This enigma that the orchestra keeps has become one of the reasons why, after eight decades, it remains the eternal charanga. The Lay offspring continue to predominate in the control of the group and the grandson Lay Sanchez not only composes and arranges, but also plays a role in a large part of the record productions, as a producer. This was the case in the last album called “85 years of the Aragon orchestra”.

This article not only showsthe main characteristics of the Aragon sound, but also allows us to get closer to the youngest of the Lays, who is increasingly imposing himself with greater vehemence in the work of the work of the orchestra.

Keywords: Orchestra, Lay, producer, sound, style.



How to Cite

Jacomino Ruiz, A., Rojas Quintana, R. L., & Moreno Quintana, L. (2024). Style and sound seal the 85th anniversary of the Aragon orchestra. Revista Científica Cultura, Comunicación Y Desarrollo, 9(3), 19–23. Retrieved from

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